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Owl's word for the day

just one word... once a day from the Owl (mood, internet and zesa dependent)


"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."   (Winston Churchill)

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History (n.)  :  the branch of knowledge dealing with past events;  the record of past events and times, especially in connection with the human race;  a past notable for its important, unusual, or interesting events.

Synonyms  :  chronicles, past, yesterday, antiquity, annals, accounts, experiences, narratives, journals, records, diaries.

Scrabble Value:

H = 4 points
I = 1 point
S = 1 point
T = 1 point
O = 1 point
R = 1 point
Y = 4 points

History is worth at least 13 points in the game of scrabble.

"History" read 5303 times

18 November 2015 05:33

In the past the Owl has hooted about...

Habit Halfway Hammock Handicap Handsome Hang Happen Happening Happenstance Happier Happiness Happiness Happy Harbinger Hard Hardship Harm Harmony Harvest Haste Haze Heading Healthy Heart Heat Help Herd Hero Hesitate Hidden Hide Highway Highway Hindsight Hinges History Hitch Hitting Home Honest Hope Horizon Horns Horror Hour Hug Human Humble Humility Humour Hunches Hunter Hurdle Hurry Hypocrisy

Owl's recent hoots...

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9

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